Montreal International Documentary Festival

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Panorama - Essentials

À vendredi, Robinson Mitra Farahani

Nine years after the acclaimed Fifi Howls from Happiness, Mitra Farahani returns to the RIDM with a sort of double portrait of two artists who have never met. Maintaining a richly enigmatic and playful correspondence, filmmaker Jean-Luc Godard and Iranian filmmaker and writer Ebrahim Golestan email each other every Friday. Farahani alternates between these two outstanding figures of cinema, speaking with them directly and creating a visual and scenic portrayal of the genesis of their thinking, highlighting the very different daily lives of these two great minds. Subtle reflections tinged with humour gradually emerge, especially concerning language, in a curious mix of respect and incomprehension.
— Editorial Team

Presented in collaboration with Cinemania

À vendredi, Robinson

  • Country : France, Switzerland, Iran, Lebanon
  • Year : 2022
  • V.O : Farsi, French, English
  • Subtitles : French or English
  • Duration : 96 MIN
  • Cinematography : Daniel Zafer
  • Cinematography : Fabrice Aragno
  • Editing : Yannick Kergoat
  • Editing : Mitra Farahani
  • Editing : Fabrice Aragno
  • Production : Lison D'Houwt
Filmography of Mitra Farahani :

Juste une femme (2002)
Tabous - Zohre & Manouchehr (2004)
Fifi hurle de joie (2013)

The film’s journey :

Berlin International Film Festival | World Premiere, Special Jury Award section: Encounters

CPHDOX | Official Selection

Presented in same section


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