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A House Made of Splinters Simon Lereng Wilmont

Danish filmmaker Simon Lereng Wilmont (The Distant Barking of Dogs - RIDM 2018) returns with a poignant portrait of children living in eastern Ukraine. Installed in a rehabilitation centre in Lyssytchansk, the camera discreetly follows youth as they play, sometimes fight, and talk openly about their emotions. We soon recognize the severe impact of the violent war and neglect resulting from broken homes on the lives of these children, whose short-lived moments of healing and hope come from the infinite devotion of their temporary guardians. This masterfully directed observational film is heart-wrenching yet full of soul and compassion.
— Editorial Team

A House Made of Splinters

  • Country : Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Ukraine
  • Year : 2022
  • V.O : Ukrainian, Russian
  • Subtitles : English
  • Duration : 87 MIN
  • Cinematography : Simon Lereng Wilmont
  • Editing : Michael Aaglund
  • Production : Monica Hellström
  • Music : Uno Helmersson
  • Sound Design : Heikki Kossi
  • Sound Design : Peter Alberechtsen
Filmography of Simon Lereng Wilmont :

Chikara: sumobryderens søn (2014)
The Fencing Champion (2014)
Graine de champion (2016)
The Distant Barking of Dogs (2017)
Oleg og krigen (2018)

The film’s journey :

Sundance | World Premiere, Best Director

Göteborg Film Festival | Best Nordic Film

Thessaloniki Documentary Festival | Best Documentary, FIPRESCI

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