Montreal International Documentary Festival

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November 21st to 25th, 2022 Doc-to-Doc

Doc-to-doc : 25 years of Encounters

Zâyne Akyol (ROJEK), Simon Plouffe (Forêts), Dominique Chaumont (Veranada), Carlos Ferrand (Mecánicos piratas de Lima) and Sofía Brockenshire (The Dependents), five local filmmakers whose latest works will premiere as part of the RIDM’s 25th edition, have been invited to present a documentary that has helped shape or inform their creative process. These free screenings will be followed by a conversation between the artists. The works selected by the filmmaker-programmers will be screened over five consecutive nights of the festival, from November 21 to 25.

This section of the programming is presented in collaboration with Télé-Québec

In this program :

Monday november 21st 7:45 PM - Cinémathèque québécoise / Salle Fernand-Seguin
Sofía Brockenshire meets Andrea Bussmann after a screening of Fausto

Tuesday november 22nd 7:45 PM - Cinémathèque québécoise / Salle Fernand-Seguin
Carlos Ferrand meets Sylvain L'Espérance after a screening of Le chant d'Empédocle

Wednesday november 23rd - 7:45 PM - Cinémathèque québécoise / Salle Fernand-Seguin
Dominique Chaumont meets Jean-François Caissy after a screening of La Belle Visite

Thursday november 24th - 7:45 PM - Cinémathèque québécoise / Salle Fernand-Seguin
Zaynê Akyol meets François Jacob after a screeningof Sur la lune de Nickel

Friday november 25th - 5:30 PM - Cinémathèque québécoise / Salle Fernand-Seguin
Simon Plouffe meets Robert Morin after a screening of Quiconque meurt, meurt à douleur

Films available on and Télé-Québec application

To (re)discover some of the filmmakers who will take part in Doc-to-Doc, the RIDM is teaming up with Télé-Québec to offer five of their documentaries free of charge. Starting October 26, the Télé-Québec streaming platform and the Télé-Québec application will host Gulîstan, Land of Roses (2016) by Zaynê Akyol, Others’ Gold (2011) by Simon Plouffe, Guidelines (2014)by Jean-François Caissy, Americano (2007) by Carlos Ferrand and Epecuén (2011) by Sofía Brockenshire. These films will be available until November 27.


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