Montreal International Documentary Festival

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Panorama - Against the Grain

Terra Femme Courtney Stephens

This experimental film essay cleverly assembles travelogue archives filmed by women between the 1920s and 1950s—when global exploration was reserved for men. This performance of the experience, with live narration by filmmaker Courtney Stephens, mimics how these archives would have initially been seen. Underpinning this mighty archeological process is a captivating analysis of the images scrolling across the screen, raising questions about women’s place in society at the time and the existence of not just a female gaze but also a Western gaze. Terra Femme juxtaposes the past and present and the North and South through the eyes of women who have long asserted themselves as observing subjects rather than observed objects.
— Editorial Team

The screening on the 19th will be accompanied by a performance from the filmmaker.

Presented in collaboration with Esse arts et opinion

Terra Femme

  • Country : United States
  • Year : 2021
  • V.O : English
  • Duration : 62 MIN
  • Editing : Courtney Stephens
  • Production : Courtney Stephens
  • Music : Sarah Davachi
  • Sound Design : Paul Hill
Filmography of Courtney Stephens :

Equestrian Sexual Response (2010)
Sweet Prospects (2012)
Dui Dhuranir Golpo (2012)
Ida Western Exile (2017)
The American Sector (2020)

The film’s journey :

MoMA's Doc Fortnight | World Premiere

Presented in same section

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by Annabelle Aventurin


by Karim Kassem

7 paysages

by Robert Morin

Mangrove School

by Filipa César, Sónia Vaz Borges

They Made Us the Night

by Antonio Hernández


by Maximiliano Schonfeld

Jet Lag

by Zheng Lu Xinyuan

Tolyatti Adrift

by Laura Sisteró

How the Room Felt

by Ketevan Kapanadze

Fragments From Heaven

by Adnane Baraka


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