Montreal International Documentary Festival

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Sur la lune de Nickel François Jacob

The inhabitants of Norilsk seem to exist in another time and space shaped by the Siberian cold. François Jacob sensitively captures a reality that appears to come from another world. The images and words of miners, teenagers, and artists explore their desire to stay in their mining town or leave and start over. Through its reflection on building a new life from scratch, Sur la lune de nickel and Ice plunges us inevitably into self-reflection. Observing the daily lives of those who live “far away,” we are drawn to wonder about our own lives. The journey is long and cold, but the real journey is within.
— Zaynê Akyol

This screening is presented for free as part of our anniversary section Doc-to-doc : 25 years of Encounters.

Presented by Télé-Québec

Sur la lune de Nickel

  • Country : Canada (Quebec)
  • Year : 2016
  • V.O : Russian
  • Subtitles : French
  • Duration : 110 MIN
  • Cinematography : François Jacob
  • Cinematography : Vuk Stojanovic
  • Cinematography : Ilya Zima
  • Editing : François Jacob
  • Editing : Jéricho Jeudy
  • Production : Christine Falco
  • Production : Vuk Stojanovic
  • Production : Ilya Zima
  • Production : François Jacob
  • Music : Viviane Audet
  • Music : Robin-Joël Cool
  • Music : Alexis Martin
  • Sound Design : Hélène Magne
Filmography of François Jacob :

La Queue du train (2008)
Le Soleil (2010)
Les Lendemains qui chantent (2014)

Presented in same section


by Andrea Bussmann

La Belle Visite

by Jean-François Caissy

Le chant d'Empédocle

by Sylvain L'Espérance, Marie-Claude Loiselle


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