Montreal International Documentary Festival

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Focus Brazil : Navigating the Future

Summertime Wewito Piyãko

No tempo do verão

In the village of Ashaninka in the Brazilian Amazon, children learn in the classroom and through the cultural transmission of their people’s traditions and the games on the river and in the surrounding forest. Teacher Wewito Piyãko records daily life in his village during the summer holidays with a keen aesthetic eye and a sensitive look at his pupils’ formative experiences. Summertime is a documentary produced for the Vídeo nas Aldeias (Video in the villages) initiative, a pioneering project in training Indigenous filmmakers. A sensitive look at childhood in Ashaninka: their formative process, developed both in and even more so, out of the classroom.
— Camila Macedo, Festival Olhar de Cinema

This film is presented as part of our Focus Brazil : Navigating the Future


  • Country : Brazil
  • Year : 2012
  • V.O : Portuguese
  • Subtitles : English
  • Duration : 22 MIN
  • Cinematography : Wewito Piyãko
  • Cinematography : Tsirotsi Ashaninka
  • Cinematography : Vincent Carelli
  • Editing : Fábio Costa Menezes
  • Production : Olívia Sabino
  • Sound Design : Wewito Piyãko
  • Sound Design : Tsirotsi Ashaninka
  • Sound Design : Vincent Carelli
Filmography of Wewito Piyãko :

Awotsi Yorenkatsi Tasori (2015)
Antönio & Piti (2019)

The film’s journey :

La mostra de cinema infantil - Luz Magica | Official Selection

Rec tyty - Festival de artes indigenas | Official Selection

DocLisboa | Special screening

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