Montreal International Documentary Festival

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Focus Brazil : Navigating the Future

Cavalo Werner Salles Bagetti, Rafhael Barbosa

In the African-derived religions of Brazil, Cavalo (“horse” in Portuguese) designates a medium capable of being embodied by spiritual beings. In this first feature by directors Rafhael Barbosa and Werner Salles, this concept unfolds through dancing bodies to access the memory, ancestral history, and culture of the African diaspora. By paying particular attention to gesture and movement, the texture of skin, and the plasticity of religious and everyday rituals, the film slips between documentary, performance, and fiction. A viscerally collective production, this story reveals a mosaic of narratives and time through the creative process of seven young artists.
— Camila Macedo, Festival Olhar de Cinema

This film is presented as part of our Focus Brazil : Navigating the Future


  • Country : Brazil
  • Year : 2020
  • V.O : Portuguese
  • Subtitles : English
  • Duration : 85 MIN
  • Cinematography : Roberto Iuri
  • Editing : Werner Salles Bagetti
  • Editing : Joâo Paulo Procópio
  • Production : Adriana Manolio
  • Music : Luciano Txu
  • Sound Design : Simone Dourado
Filmography of Werner Salles Bagetti :

Imagem Peninsular de Lêdo Ivo (2003)
História Brasileira da Infâmia - Parte I (2005)
Interiores ou 400 Anos de Solidão (2012)
Exu - Além do Bem e do Mal (2012)

Filmography of Rafhael Barbosa :

O que lembro, Tenho (2012)
Jangada de Pau (2014)
A Feijoada da Vovó Maria Conga (2017)
O Cortejo (2018)

Presented in same section

The Word Became Flesh

by Ziel Karapotó

Waiting for the Carnival

by Marcelo Gomes


by Camila Freitas


by Wewito Piyãko


by Takumã Kuikuro


by Roney Freitas, Isael Maxakali, Sueli Maxakali

The Dead and the Others

by João Salaviza, Renée Nader Messora

Swing and Sway

by Fernanda Pessoa, Chica Barbosa


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