Montreal International Documentary Festival

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Focus Brazil : Navigating the Future

Grin Roney Freitas, Isael Maxakali, Sueli Maxakali

In the early 1970s in Brazil, under a dictatorial regime, more than 80 different groups of Indigenous Peoples received military training to form the first Rural Indigenous Guard in the country. Over 40 years later, as his people mourn the death of one of their own, Isael Maxakali talks to former soldiers and revisits the memories and legacy left by the militarization of Indigenous communities. Using archival images, interviews, and new footage of where the Guard operated, the film paces a kind of Möbius loop, where seemingly distinct narrative and temporal lines contain elements of the same story. “The past is still here. The past continues to be.”
— Camila Macedo, Festival Olhar de Cinema

This film is presented as part of our Focus Brazil : Navigating the Future


  • Country : Brazil
  • Year : 2016
  • V.O : maxacali, Portuguese
  • Subtitles : English
  • Duration : 40 MIN
  • Cinematography : André Luiz De Luiz
  • Editing : Alexandre Taira
  • Production : Luara Oliveira
  • Production : Alexandre Taira
  • Music : Maxacali
  • Sound Design : Eric Ribeiro Christani
Filmography of Roney Freitas :

Laurita (2009)
Aurora (2011)
River's memory (2013)
Mborairapé (2022)

Filmography of Isael Maxakali :

Tatakox (2007)
Xupapoynãg (2011)
Konãgxeka: O Dilúvio Maxakali (2016)
Yãmi?yhex, the Women-Spirit (2019)
Nu?hu? ya?gmu? yõg hãm: This Land Is Ours! (2020)

Filmography of Sueli Maxakali :

Konãgxeka: o Dilúvio Maxakali (2016)
Yãmi?yhex, The Women-Spirit (2019)

The film’s journey :

Cachoeiradoc | World Premiere

São Paulo Short Film Week | Honorable Mention

Indigenous FestCine of Águas Belas | Best Film, Best Documentary

Presented in same section

The Dead and the Others

by João Salaviza, Renée Nader Messora


by Takumã Kuikuro


by Werner Salles Bagetti, Rafhael Barbosa

The Word Became Flesh

by Ziel Karapotó

Waiting for the Carnival

by Marcelo Gomes


by Wewito Piyãko

Swing and Sway

by Fernanda Pessoa, Chica Barbosa


by Camila Freitas


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