Montreal International Documentary Festival

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National Feature Competition

ROJEK Zaynê Akyol

After having followed the revolutionary women of the PKK in their fight against Daesh (Gulîstan, Land of Roses, Best New Talent from Quebec/Canada – RIDM 2016), Kurdish-born Canadian director Zaynê Akyol returns with ROJEK. A film in which she weaves together candid testimonials from members of the Islamic State imprisoned for terrorist activities in Syrian Kurdistan. Filmed with incredible intimacy, these unsettling interviews give access to jihadist thoughts, confronting us with fundamentalist beliefs. This highly symbolic work contrasts suffocating prison-camp cells with wide shots that soar above a devastated landscape. The result is a complex and unprecedented snapshot of a region in which the West refuses to accept responsibility.
— Editorial Team

Zaynê Akyol will also participate in a discussion with François Jacob on november the 24th as part of Doc-to-doc : 25 years of Encounters

competition : National Feature Competition


  • Country : Canada (Quebec)
  • Year : 2022
  • V.O : English, French, Arabic, Kurdish
  • Subtitles : French or English
  • Duration : 127 MIN
  • Cinematography : Nicolas Canniccioni
  • Cinematography : Arshia Shakiba
  • Editing : Mathieu Bouchard-Malo
  • Production : Zaynê Akyol
  • Production : Sylvain Corbeil
  • Production : Audrey-Ann Dupuis-Pierre
  • Music : Sylvain Brassard
  • Sound Design : Sylvain Brassard
  • Sound Design : Arshia Shakiba
The film’s journey :

Visions du Réel | World Premiere

Hot Docs | DGC Special Jury Prize for Canadian Feature Documentary

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