Montreal International Documentary Festival

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21 August 2018

From Brazil to Japan: Two Essential Retrospectives for the 21st Annual Edition of the Festival


Montreal, August 21, 2018 - The Montreal International Documentary Festival (RIDM) returns for its 21st edition from November 8 to 18, 2018. This year, the festival will honour two major filmmakers: Brazilian director Maria Augusta Ramos and Japanese director Kazuhiro Soda.


Maria Augusta Ramos – Exposing the System

A two-time winner of the Grand Prix at the Visions du Réel festival (Justice and The Trial), Maria Augusta Ramos has emerged as one of the most astute observers of contemporary Brazilian society. A deeply activist artist, she combines an uncommonly detailed analytical approach with serious filmmaking talent. To date Ramos has made six films in Brazil, focusing mainly on the justice system. Collectively, the films present a precise, expansive portrait of the country, from individual lives to the complex workings of institutions. In The Trial, her most recent film, she has made a breathtaking political thriller from the saga of the disgrace of Dilma Rousseff, exposing the disturbing co-optation of democratic institutions and pervasive corruption in Brazil’s political circles. 


Kazuhiro Soda – Making Images Speak

Kazuhiro Soda is one of the most talented observational filmmakers of his generation. Since 2007, he has released a new film annually, each one a new voyage to the heart of Japanese society. From a municipal election (Campaign 1 & 2) to everyday life in a fishing village threatened by globalization and rural depopulation (Inland Sea), Soda’s sensitive films are paced by the seasons and the lives of unforgettable people. Steeped in the poetry of the unexpected and devoid of pointed discussion, Soda’s films are not activist at all. The opinions and analyses are a writer’s musings: he has written several books, including some on Japanese politics. Soda is a filmmaker as methodical as he is sensitive. His films eschew trends, instead capturing the essence of modern Japan as no other filmmaker can.


Watch the trailer for the retrospectives at the 21st annual RIDM:

Thanks to our associated partners: Japan Foundation, chaire René Malo, Department of Studio Arts (Conversations in Contemporary Art – Concordia University), Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema (Concordia University) and Eye Film Institute Netherlands. 


RIDM Pass pre-sales

Starting today, early bird RIDM Passes, good for all screenings (except certain special events) are on sale for the special price of $100. The offer is good until September 23. RIDM Passes for students and seniors are also available now for $90. 

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Quebec’s only film festival dedicated to documentaries, the Montreal International Documentary Festivalpresents the best reality‐based films, including the works of established directors and new talents.


The 21st annual RIDM will take place from November 8 to 18, 2018

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Interview requests, Vimeo links, visuals:

Caroline Rompré | publicist | 514-778-9294 |




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