Montreal International Documentary Festival

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New Visions Competition

Veranada Dominique Chaumont

Veranada is a meditative look at the daily lives of shepherds in the town of Malargüe in the Argentinian state of Mendoza. Far from the big cities, the community depends on the rain to water the fields and feed the many sheep. Droughts brought on by global warming are a major threat to maintaining their way of life. A village gaucho named Don Arturo takes it upon himself to go find more welcoming, green and fertile land. The beauty of the Andean landscape and the gentle sincerity of the animals are portrayed lovingly in this contemplative portrait of a community at once resigned and hopeful about the future.
— Editorial Team

Dominique Chaumont will also participate in a discussion with Jean-François Caissy on november the 23rd as part of Doc-to-doc : 25 years of Encounters

Presented in collaboration with Tënk

competition : New Visions Competition


  • Country : Canada
  • Year : 2022
  • V.O : Spanish
  • Subtitles : French or English
  • Duration : 74 MIN
  • Cinematography : Diego Ignacio Miranda
  • Editing : Florencia Gomez Garcia
  • Production : Dominique Chaumont
  • Music : Sébastien Armand
  • Sound Design : Juan Ignacio Sanchez

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