Montreal International Documentary Festival

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Lou Annick Daigneault, Martine Asselin

There are as many ways of experiencing autism as there are autistic people. Lou allows audiences to experience what it’s like to be in the body of an autistic child, to see through their eyes and hear through their ears.

The interactive work Lou will be presented as part of the UXdoc program. The works of this program will be shown free of charge in the Foyer Luce-Guilbeault at the Cinémathèque québécoise at the following times.
November 17 - 18 | 13h à 18h
November 19 - 23 | 11h à 18h
November 24 - 27 | 13h à 18h


  • Country : Canada (Quebec)
  • Year : 2022
  • V.O : French, English
  • Duration : 20 MIN

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