Montreal International Documentary Festival

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RIDM 15 - 26 Nov. 2023

RIDM in schools

Year-Round Youth Program

The RIDM are proud to get involved in different ways amongst young people of all ages. For instance, the RIDM programs screenings and workshops for elementary students in collaboration with the Carrousel International du Film de Rimouski.

The RIDM offers creative and writing workshops for high school students as well as screenings and meetings between professionals and young cinephiles during the festival and throughout the year in various schools. Every year since 2013, the RIDM organizes school visits to present the upcoming festival to CEGEP and university students. The RIDM also offer volunteering opportunities such as the Student Jury for participating CEGEPS and colleges (le Collège Maisonneuve, le Collège Dawson, le Cégep Saint-Laurent, le Cégep Marie-Victorin, le Cégep André-Laurendeau, le Cégep Édouard-Montpetit et le Cégep du Vieux Montréal).


If you are a teacher or a school staff member and you would like the RIDM to visit your school, please contact Marie-Anne Sergerie, our Audience Development Coordinator, by email at

Screenings at school
Creative Youth Program
Student Jury


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