Montreal International Documentary Festival

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31 May 2022

A short film program on women's realities

The RIDM are back on La Fabrique culturelle with a program of four short films from the 24th edition that explores the personal and collective realities of adolescent girls and women. Available until June 12 :

La fin des rois by Rémi Brachet

This work by Rémi Brachet presents a kaleidoscopic portrait of Clichy-sous-Bois, drawing attention to gender relations and questioning the balance of power.

Love-moi by Romane Garant Chartrand

Love Me is an attentive and intimate portrait of Laetitia, a charismatic high-school student, whose everyday life is shaped by seduction and carefully controlled self-image.


Casting Nelly by Jérémie Picard

In this film, we hear from a series of women auditioning for the role of Nelly Arcan; their lines, and their own words, are both powerful and insightful. With its straightforward yet original approach, this is a sensitive tribute to a great writer and to each of the women.


The Truss Arch by Sonya Stefan (Best National Short or Medium-Length - 2021 RIDM)

Somewhere between an autobiographical piece, a heartfelt tribute to an immigrant mother whose fate is out of her hands, and a dance film, this ode to freedom bubbles with reflections and experimentations.


> Watch all films on La Fabrique culturelle's platform


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