Montreal International Documentary Festival

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6 September 2016 Festival

The juries for the 19th edition unveiled!

 We're pleased to announce the juries for the three competitive sections of our 19th edition.



This year, the jury will be composed of Rachael Rakes, Penny Lane, Inti Cordera, Khoa Lê and Ingrid Veninger.

RACHAEL RAKES is Programmer at Large for the Film Society of Lincoln Center and co-founder of the Art of the Real festival; co-editor of the Brooklyn Rail film section; and Editor at Large for Verso Books.

PENNY LANE is a documentary filmmaker. After the success of her film Our Nixon, she made NUTS!, an animated documentary that premiered at Sundance and is scheduled to play at this year’s RIDM.

INTI CORDERA is the founder and director of the Mexican documentary festival DocsDF. He is also a documentary filmmaker and producer.

KHOA LÊ is a multidisciplinary filmmaker and artist from Montreal known for his films Je m’appelle Denis Gagnon and Bâ Nôi. Presented at RIDM 2014, Bâ Nôi was selected for the prestigious Visions du réel festival.


Canadian director and producer, INGRID VENINGER recently presented her latest feature documentary He Hated Pigeons. In 2014, desiring more content written and directed by women, she founded pUNK Films FEMMES LAB.



The jury will be composed of  Miriam FahmyJean-François Lesage and Jean-François Ruel.

MIRIAM FAHMY is a researcher, an editor and an independent moderator. A contributing writer for the Métro newspaper and Nouveau Projet, for the last 10 years she has worked at the Institut du Nouveau Monde.

Winner of the Canadian Feature Competition at RIDM 2015 with Un amour d’été (A Summer Love), JEAN-FRANÇOIS LESAGE makes both documentary and fiction films. Notably, he directed the documentary Conte du Mile End.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS RUEL, alias Yes Mccan, is an avowed cinephile and a member of the Dead Obies, a Quebec hip-hop group that in recent years has made a name for itself across the province and beyond.



The jury will be made up of Melissa Anderson, Nadine Gomez and Gustavo Beck.

MELISSA ANDERSON is the Village Voice’s senior film critic. She has worked for Artforum, Film Comment, Sight and Sound and Time Out New York. From 2009 to 2012, she was part of the New York Film Festival’s selection committee.

NADINE GOMEZ is a Montreal documentary filmmaker. After the success of her first feature Le Horse Palace in 2015, she went onto direct Métro, presented at last year’s festival.

GUSTAVO BECK is a director, producer, critic and film programmer. He sits on the selection committees for Cinéma du réel, IndieLisboa and Olhar de Cinema, and contributes to the International Film Festival Rotterdam.



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