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2 March 2020 Forum RIDM




Call for applicants for documentary producers looking for an introduction to the international co-production market

Participation in the 2020 Sunny Side of the Doc international market


A SODEC initiative in partnership with RIDM Forum.


Important dates and information:

Application deadline: extended until Friday, April 3, 2020

Preparatory workshops #1: Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Preparatory workshops #2: Tuesday, June 2, 2020 

Sunny Side of the Doc : 22-25 June 2020

* This year a particular focus of Sunny Side of the Doc will be on the imminent opportunities of historytelling.


The call for projects for SODEC_LAB @ Sunny Side of the Doc 2020 is extended for two weeks, you have until Friday, April 3rd to submit your project!
Due to the global impact of Covid-19, the consequences on the industry as well as on the organization and holding of future festivals, we are adapting our call for projects. In this unusual context, we believed it is important to continue to meet, exchange, share ideas and best practices, present our projects and develop durable relationships between Quebec and international producers.
In this context we plan to continue to offer international co-production meetings. To overcome a possible cancellation of the physical event, we are already thinking about digital alternatives so that the Sodec_Lab @ Sunny side of the doc can take place independently of the evolution of the world sanitary situation.
In the scenario where the Quebec Delegation would not be able to attend the festival, we will offer an online program. Meetings with international professionals and decision-makers, webinar, workshops and one-on-one pitches online...



  • Prepare producers with little to no experience in international co-production for the international co-production market.
  • Provide in-depth practical knowledge of the international co-production landscape ahead of the Sunny Side of the Doc market.
  • Establish relationships between Quebec-based emerging producers, and Quebec-based as well as international producers, buyers, distributors and programmers present at the Sunny Side of the Doc Market.
  • Encourage cultural exchanges, best practices and formal as well as informal long-term collaborations.



Professional activities offered to selected candidates

  • Preparatory workshops and individual mentorship prior to attending the Sunny Side of the Doc Market;
  • Individual mentorship and support during Sunny Side of the Doc Market;
  • Access to all four days of the Market and its networking activities;
  • Practical workshops and presentations by decision-makers present on site;
  • Specially curated individual and collective meetings with key players of the French and international audiovisual industry and European producers.
  • SODEC support for transportation and accommodation;;
  • Market accreditation.


Required profile

Who can participate?

  • All Quebec resident documentary film producers* having produced at least one feature length documentary film or TV series:
  • Who have not officially co-produced internationally OR having a maximum of one (1) international co-production experience;
  • Have at least one project with European co-production and international broadcast potential and want to collaborate on international co-production projects in development;
  • Being available at the preparatory workshops in Montreal on Tuesday, April 21 and Tuesday, June 2, 2020;
  • Are available to attend the Sunny Side of the Doc Market à La Rochelle, en France, for its entire duration from June, 22-25, 2020 (Departure from Montreal on June 20 at the latest).


How to submit an application?

Provide a complete application(english or french) including:

  • Application form latest on Friday, April 3, 2020;
  • A detailed resume;
  • A short project proposal including synopsis, director notes, budget summary and co-production potential (maximum five pages).

Please send all documents no later than Friday, April 3, 2020 through our online form here.

Please note that no critical feedback will be given to refused applications.

*Tax residence in Quebec for at least 2 years


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