Montreal International Documentary Festival

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26 November 2019

SODEC_LAB @ Hot Docs 2020: Call for applicants

SODEC in partnership with Forum RIDM is looking for producers seeking to break into the Canadian and international markets for participation in Hot Docs Industry & Forum


Application deadline: December 12, 2020, before noon

Professional activities for selected applicants:

  • Two preparatory workshops and personalized mentorship before departure for Hot Docs Industry & Forum;
  • Personalized, on-site mentorship and guidance throughout Hot Docs Industry & Forum;
  • All Access accreditation to all Hot Docs programming and networking activities;
  • Practical workshops and introductions to distributors present at the event;
  • Individual and group meetings in prime settings with key North American and European industry players.
  • Additional support to submit a project to Hot Docs Deal Makers (deadline: January 20, 2020) and to Distribution Rendez-vous (deadline: March 14, 2020).

Offer details:

  • Domestic transportation and lodging package;
  • All Access Hot Docs Industry accreditation.


Ideal candidates

Who can participate?

All documentary producers residing in Quebec who have a producer credit on at least two feature documentary projects with a Quebec-based documentary production company, and who also:

  • Previously participated in Hot Docs Industry & Forum no more than twice;
  • Have never pitched at the Hot Docs Forum;
  • Have produced at least one project funded by a Canadian exhibitor and/or fund;
  • Have produced at least one project with a budget of at least $200,000;
  • Have at least one project in development or production, or one project in postproduction with a production company supporting the project and potential for North American distribution;
  • Are available for the training sessions in Montreal on January 13, 2020, and April 6, 2020;
  • Are available for Hot Docs Industry & Forum in Toronto (April 30 to May 10, 2020), with arrival on May 2, 2020 and departure on May 7 in the evening, or May 8 in the morning.


How to apply?

Submit a complete application (in English or French), including:


Please send documents via our online form no later than December 12, 2019 before noon.


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