Montreal International Documentary Festival

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20 September 2016 Beyond the fest

RIDM Creative Youth Program Lauch of a New Webdoc, «Futur, pas sur»

Montreal, Tuesday, September 20, 2016  – As part of the RIDM’s youth program, the webdocumentary Futur, pas sûrwill be launched tomorrow - on September 21 at 2 p.m., at Auditorium Le Prévost in the Maison de la culture de Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension (7355 Christophe-Colomb Ave). The event is free.


The RIDM’s initiatives in film education and public outreach are aimed at encouraging young people to discover the best of what documentary has to offer. Since 2013, the RIDM has developed a series of innovative creative projects through an in-school webdocumentary production initiative. Sans cell, trop cruel ( was the first of the creative projects, Intersections ( in 2014, while the most recent project, in 2015, was Futur, pas sûr(, the third interactive work produced by the RIDM. All three of the projects will presented during this year’s festival at the RIDM’s interactive hub, the UXdoc Space.


Futur, pas sûr is a webdocumentary conceived and created by 43 students at Eurêka high schoolwith the guidance of director Marie-Claude Fournier. The project explores the social pressures affecting young people’s choice of careers. A guided navigation session will be held with the creative team, students and teachers in attendance. 


The webdoc will be online on Monday, September 26 (


Futur, pas sûr was made possible by the collaboration of Pliab, Folklore, Entreprise Vidéo Service, Bande à part, and Premium Beat. The initiative is supported by the Régie du cinéma, Telefilm Canada, the Entente sur le développement culturel de Montréal between the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications and the Ville de Montréal, and by the La culture à l’école program of the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur.


Quebec’s only film festival dedicated to documentaries, the Montreal International Documentary Festivalpresents the best reality‐based films, including the works of established directors and new talents.


The 19th annual RIDM will take place from November 10 to 20, 2016.

Information: /


The full program for this year’s RIDM will be announced at a press conference on Wednesday, October 19 at 10 a.m. at the Cinémathèque québécoise. It will be posted online the same day. 

Media inquiries: 

Caroline Rompré | publicist | 514-778-9294 |




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