Montreal International Documentary Festival

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17 August 2017

RIDM en plein air in August!

Press releases

Montreal, August 1 st , 2017 – The Montreal international documentary festival (RIDM) is pleased to present its
free outdoor film series for August! Four screenings for documentary lovers will take place on August 10, 16, 22
and 23, and will begin at nightfall.

Thursday, August 10 at 9 PM, Place de la Paix
Raving Iran by Susanne Regina Meures
Switzerland, 2016, 85 min, in original Farsi version with French subtitles

Two DJs from Iran’s underground techno scene fight to keep their music alive. Filmed with full access, we
see the brave struggle of young people who refuse to be silenced.
A presentation of Cinéma urbain à la belle étoile by the Society for Arts and Technology [SAT] and Partenariat
Quartier des Spectacles, in collaboration with the borough of Ville-Marie.


Wednesday, August 16 at 8:30 PM, Parc Laurier (part 1)
Wednesday, August 23 at 8:20 PM, Parc Laurier (part 2)
Combat au bout de la nuit by Sylvain L’Espérance
Québec, 2016, 122 min (part 1), 163 min (part 2), in original French and Greek version with French subtitles

An unconventional activist epic, tackling head-on the recent socio-political upheavals in Greece, positing the
urgency of a fight that has only just begun.
The screenings will be followed by a Q&A session with the filmmaker.
A presentation of Cinéma sous les étoiles by Funambules Médias


Tuesday, August 22 at 8:30 PM, Théâtre de Verdure of Parc La Fontaine
Le goût d’un pays by Francis Legault (*People’s Choice Award - RIDM 2016)
Québec, 2016, 102 min, in original French version

The essence of today’s Québécois identity, as seen through the joy of making maple syrup. Featuring Fred
Pellerin and Gilles Vigneault, among others, this is an odd, playful and relevant meditation on a land and a
The screening will be followed by a Q&A session with the filmmaker.
Presented in collaboration with Conseil des Arts de Montréal en Tournée.


The complete program is online at:

Thanks to our partners for the RIDM outdoor film series: Cinéma sous les étoiles presented by Funambules
Médias, Conseil des arts de Montréal en tournée, Cinéma urbain à la belle étoile presented by the Society for
Arts and Technology [SAT] and Partenariat du Quartier des Spectacles, in collaboration with the borough of
Quebec’s only film festival dedicated to documentaries, the Montreal International Documentary Festival
presents the best reality‐based films, including the works of established directors and new talents.
The 20 th annual RIDM will take place from November 9 to 19, 2017.

Information: /


For more information, please contact:
Caroline Rompré | publicist | 514-778- 9294 |


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