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16 December 2020 Forum RIDM

Now and Next Podcast

Now & Next is a podcast series featuring in depth interviews with experts for a closer look at emerging trends and the digital transformation of the media & entertainment industry. The series is produced by the Canada Media Fund and is hosted by Leora Kornfeld.


The leitmotif for the most recent season imposed itself without warning. Productions were shut down, projects postponed indefinitely or cancelled outright, studios left deserted. And like so many others, the screen-based industry went into sudden COVID-19 lockdown. Yet, a very positive side of the lockdown has been the development of innovative solutions that have allowed us to continue developing, distributing, and promoting content.


In Season 3 of Now & Next, we’re meeting with creators who’ve proven their resilience in overcoming the unprecedented restrictions brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.


Season 3 episodes

Episode 1 – How to practice ‘Safe Sets’: TV & film production during Covid-19

Episode 2 – Access Reelworld: Achieving On-Screen Racial Diversity

Episode 3 – Virtual Production Techniques for Film & TV: Sky Is the Limit

Episode 4 – Staying eco-conscious on set during Covid-19

Episode 5 – How the game industry is staying relevant during the pandemic

Episode 6 - Making Movies Social Again: The Entrepreneurs Behind Hoovie



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