Montreal International Documentary Festival

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27 June 2023 Beyond the fest

The Truss Arch is now available on Tënk


The Truss Arch by Sonya Stefan, 2021 RIDM's Best National Short or Medium-Length Film, is available on Tënk until August 21.

Somewhere between an autobiographical piece, a heartfelt tribute to an immigrant mother whose fate is out of her hands, and a dance film, this ode to freedom bubbles with reflections and experimentations.

In filmmaker Sonya Stefan’s hometown of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, a truss arch bridge straddles the St. Marys River, linking Canada to the United States. But underneath the bridge, a kind of liminal space exists where the notion of borders is blurred. With a wild yet carefully controlled energy, this deconstructed work transports us to the curious site where, it seems, anything is possible. Somewhere between an autobiographical piece, a heartfelt tribute to an immigrant mother whose fate is out of her hands, and a dance film rich in poetry and symbolism, this ode to freedom bubbles with reflections and experimentations – all set against the imposing backdrop of factory chimneys.

> Watch the film on Tënk


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