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12 August 2021 Forum RIDM

The call for projects for First Pitch 2021 is now open !



Forum RIDM open the First Pitch call for projects !


The Forum RIDM is proud to announce the 11th edition of First Pitch, a key activity held every year before the RIDM’s professional market, which allows a group of emerging Quebec filmmakers to meet and network with established producers from Quebec’s documentary industry. Once again in person after a very successful 2020 virtual version, the event will take place over two intensive days of training and pitches on September 23 and 30, 2021.

First Pitch aims to train filmmakers in pitching projects, introducing them to the documentary community and fostering new collaborations.

The Forum RIDM encourages emerging Quebec filmmakers to send in their applications by August 30, 2021. All types of projects, genres, formats and mediums are eligible, regardless of their stage of production. For more information on the call for projects and how to submit your application, visit the Forum RIDM 2021 call for projects’ web page.


First Pitch is:

● Ten emerging Quebec filmmakers
● Ten established documentary producers
● A pitch training session with producer Mila Aung-Thwin from EyeSteelFilm on September 23, 2021
● A day of pitches and consultations on September 30, 2021
* Dates are subject to change depending on the public health situation in September 2021.


The call for projects is open from August 12 to 30, 2021 (deadline: 11:59am Montreal time).

To submit your project 



The producers confirmed this year are :

Bunbury Films | Frederic Bohbot

MC2 | Jean-Simon Chartier

Picbois Productions | Karine Dubois et Marie-Pierre Corriveau absent for 2021

Catbird Productions | Katarina Soukup absent for 2021

Intuitive Pictures | Amy Miller

Argus Films | Carmen Garcia

Colonelle Films | Léonie Hurtubise

Bravo Charlie Films | Colette Loumède

EyeSteelFilm | Bob Moore

Peripheria | Leslie Dabit

Couture Production | Isabelle Couture


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