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18 February 2022 Forum RIDM

Take off for Cannes !


The call for projects for the Docs-in-Progress - Canadian Showcase is now open!


The Forum RIDM is pleased to re-launch for a fourth consecutive year the Docs-in-Progress - Canadian Showcase at the Marché du Film of the Festival de Cannes in partnership with Telefilm Canada and in collaboration with the Hot Docs Festival (Toronto).


This year's Marché du Film of the Festival de Cannes will be held in a hybrid format from 17 to 25 May 2022. This upcoming edition of Cannes Docs will feature 8 presentations from different countries, each composed of four documentaries in development, presented in the form of a pitch and a 10-minute cut. This event will allow producers and filmmakers of four Canadian projects in production to fly to Cannes and present their films to an audience of buyers, distributors, festival programmers and international sales agents.

In order to prepare the showcase, the Forum RIDM will offer pitch training to the directors of these four projects and will provide personalized support for their online presentation. The Docs-in-Progress will be an opportunity for these producers and filmmakers to present an excerpt from their film, to make a presentation and to launch their film on the international market !


The Docs-in-Progress - Canadian Showcase is  

  • To represent Canada at the Marché du Film of the Festival de Cannes during the Canadian Showcase ;
  • A preparatory group session including pitch preparation and tips on how to best navigate the Marché du Film of the Festival de Cannes ;
  • A personalised one-to-one session as well as support for the production of your pre-recorded pitch and the selection of the clip presented ;
  • Accreditation to the Marché du Film of the Festival de Cannes for two members of the team (producer + director) ;


The Forum RIDM encourages Canadian documentary producers (permanent residency or citizenship required) with a feature-length documentary project (70 minutes or more) in the advanced editing stage to submit their applications before March 9, 2022.


For more information on the call for projects and how to submit your application, visit the call for projects' page



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