Montreal International Documentary Festival

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19 November 2020 Festival

Explore the section BECOMING ONESELF


BECOMING ONESELF - available from November 19 to 25

12 portraits and self-portraits about how we relate to the world: inspiring and poetic existential quests that affirm multiple definitions of self.

This section has a particularly strong Quebec presence, with more than half the films being made here: the short films Lointain by Aziz Zoromba, Mazzarello by Carmen Rachiteanu, Métamorphoses by Nicolas Renaud and Six Pieces in Stargazer Album by Jiyang Zhang (Quebec, China), and four eagerly anticipated features: No Ordinary Man (Un vrai gentleman) by Aisling Chin-Yee and Chase Joynt, Passage by Sarah Baril Gaudet, Prière pour une mitaine perdue by Jean-François Lesage and Wintopia by Mira Burt-Wintonick. The filmmakers of these four films will take turns participating in a RIDM Podcast session, presented in collaboration with 24 images.


This program also includes two first features by women: My Mexican Bretzel by Nuria Giménez (Spain), built on impressive archival work, and The Plastic House by Allison Chhorn (Australia) about grief and loneliness. Nuria Giménez will also participate in one of the RIDM Dialogue with Rodrigo Ribeiro, director of the short film La Mort Blanche du Sorcier Noir, on Saturday, November 21 at 3 p.m. 


Two more notable entries are Trees in Summer by Suyu Lee (South Korea), an impressionistic, poetic collage that will have its international premiere at the RIDM, and Petite Fille by Sébastien Lifshitz (France), a filmmaker well known for his documentaries Adolescentes and Les invisibles; this new film takes us inside the daily life of a trans child.



This year’s RIDM box office is online-only, via our website. You can either buy a RIDM Pass ($70) to have access to all festival programming or subscribe to this thematic section ($15) to be able to watch all 12 films previously listed above. Each film will be available for one of the festival’s three weeks.


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