Montreal International Documentary Festival

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13 November 2016

Local Filmmakers On the Forefront!

Congratulations to La soirée de la relève ICI RDI filmmakers!

This festive event focuses on short films by up-and-coming local filmmakers. Awards have been given by a jury made of Radio-Canada representatives. The general public and the young directors have seen these short gems on the big screen – for free. It was a great opportunity to get a preview of the next generation of filmmakers who will spark our imagination and make us think for years to come.

Winners: Fanie Pelletier, Étienne Lacelle, Émilie Baillargeon and Colin Nixon.


1. André Levesque missionnaire | Oksana Karpovych | 14 min
2. Les beiges | Étienne Lacelle | 11 min
3. C’est tombé dans l’oreille d’une Sourde | Véro Leduc | 15 min
4. Le cri de la marmotte | Colin Nixon | 16 min
5. Kupanishkueu | Mélodie Jourdain-Michel | 5 min
6. La maison de Yara | Émilie Baillargeon | 15 min
7. Pantalons supérieurs | Féroë Pontay | 10 min
8. Photo jaunie | Fanie Pelletier | 31 min


Presented by Radio-Canada


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