Montreal International Documentary Festival

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RIDM 15 - 26 Nov. 2023


Docs-In-Progress | Canadian showcase at Cannes Docs 2023

Call for project deadline:  March 23, 2023 11:59 PM 
Project selection:  April 2023


Project description

Presented in partnership with Telefilm Canada, the Docs-in-Progress - Canadian Showcase at the Marché du Film of the Festival de Cannes is a unique initiative of the Forum RIDM to launch your film on the international market.


This event presented at Cannes Docs features 8 presentations from different countries, each composed of four documentaries in finalization stage, presented in the form of a pitch and a 10-minute clip. The event allows the producers and filmmakers of four Canadian projects in production to fly to Cannes and present their films in front of an audience of buyers, distributors, festival programmers and international sales agents.


Before the event, the Forum RIDM will offer pitching training to the directors of these four projects and will provide personalized accompaniment for their presentation and their travel to the event. Docs-in-Progress will be an opportunity for these producers and filmmakers to present an excerpt from their film, to make a presentation and to launch their film on the international market by flying to Cannes!



- Canadian documentary producers & filmmakers (permanent residence or citizenship required);

- Having a feature-length documentary project (70 minutes or more) in the advanced editing stage;

- Having an excerpt of 10 continuous minutes to present (no teaser or trailer admitted instead)

- Being able to make a five-minute presentation in English;

- Being available for the online work sessions in April 2023;

- Being available for the Cannes Film Market and Docs-In-Progress from May 18 to 24, 2023.



- Represent Canada at the Cannes Film Market during the Canadian Showcase;

- A preparatory group session including pitch preparation and tips on how to best navigate the Cannes Film Market/Docs In Progress;

- A personalized one-on-one session and coaching on the production of your pre-recorded pitch and the selection of the clip presented;

A personalized 45 minute long, in-depth consultancy by a seasoned industry expert from the EURODOC network, given to each team before Cannes Docs.

- Accreditation to the Cannes Film Market for two team members (producer + director); 




Documents (PDF format) to be provided in the online submission form before March 23, 2023 at 11:59 pm. 


- Updated CVs of the producer AND the filmmaker;

- A 10 min continuous excerpt of the project (final excerpt must be provided no later than April 25, 2023)

- A short dossier (maximum 4 pages)of the project including : 

  • a long synopsis,
  • note of intent from the filmmaker
  • summary of the budget and financial structure of the project
  • production schedule
  • a paragraph on what the project hopes to find at the Cannes Film Market (financing, partners, distribution, festivals etc)

Please send the documents no later than March 23, 2023 via the submission form.


Please note that no critical feedback will be given to rejected applications.

For any questions please contact


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