Montreal International Documentary Festival

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The soirée de la relève Radio-Canada

Tio Kevin Kayla Fragman

A filmmaker turns a complicit camera on her uncle. By interacting with him during his daily life and discussing his possessions and memories, she explores the complexity of grief and family relationships.
— Editorial Team

This film is presented as part of the Soirée de la relève Radio-Canada

Tio Kevin

  • Country : Canada (Quebec)
  • Year : 2022
  • V.O : Portuguese, English, French
  • Subtitles : French
  • Duration : 17 MIN
  • Cinematography : Léa Barsalou
  • Editing : Kayla Fragman
  • Production : Kayla Fragman
  • Production : Justine Martin
  • Music : Louis Parent
  • Sound Design : Giulio Trejo-Martinez
Filmography of Kayla Fragman :

Ilha da Rainha (2019)
Tio Kevin (2021)

The film’s journey :

Gala Prends ça court! 2022 | Sacara-B Award

Concordia Film Festival 2022 | Official Selection

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