Montreal International Documentary Festival

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Opening film

Des racines nées ALUNAYA

Uprooted from its land of origin, the diaspora tries to root itself elsewhere. But, is it still possible to belong?

This film will be presented in front of the opening film Rewind & Play and was created as part of the artist residence Regard sur Montréal - an initiative of the Conseil des Arts de Montréal, SODEC, and the NFB, through its Independent Filmmaker Assistance Program (ACIC), in collaboration with Les Films de l'Autre.

Des racines nées

  • Country : Canada (Quebec), Canada (Quebec)
  • Year : 2022
  • V.O : French, Haitian creole
  • Subtitles : English
  • Duration : 8 MIN
  • Cinematography : Hicham El-Alj
  • Editing : ALUNAYA
  • Production : ALUNAYA
  • Production : Les Films De L'Autre
  • Music : Akawui
  • Sound Design : René Portillo Ruiz
Filmography of ALUNAYA :

Art Is the Message x Claudio (2015)
Personne (2015)
Slow Travel (2015-2016)
Nio Far (2018)

Presented in same section

Rewind & Play

by Alain Gomis


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