Montreal International Documentary Festival

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7 x Wapikoni

Aski Masinikan Bryan Coocoo

Lignes mystérieuses

Shot near Wemotaci, this short film reveals the beauty of a landscape scarred by mysterious lines. We learn more about their origin through the words of an elder.
— Editorial Team

This film is presented as part of 7 x Wapikoni in front of ROJEK.

Aski Masinikan

  • Country : Canada (Quebec)
  • Year : 2021
  • V.O : Atikamekw
  • Subtitles : French or English
  • Duration : 2 MIN
  • Cinematography : Canouk Newashish
  • Cinematography : Paul Fontaine
  • Editing : Bryan Coocoo
  • Editing : Canouk Newashish
  • Production : Wapikoni Mobile
  • Sound Design : Bryan Coocoo
  • Sound Design : Canouk Newashish

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