Montreal International Documentary Festival

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9 August 2017 Forum RIDM

Call for projects First Pitch

Submit your application before September 10th to get the chance to be selected for the First Pitch

The First Pitch activity is aimed at helping and training emerging Quebec filmmakers (with less than three years of experience) in crafting winning documentary-project pitches. The activity includes a training session with acclaimed producer Mila Aung-Thwin of EyeSteelFilm, and the opportunity to pitch documentary projects in one-on-one meetings with 10 successful producers.


  • Pitch training.

  • One-on-one pitch meetings with 10 producers.

  • Constructive criticism.

  • Acquire knowledge and tools to thrive in the documentary industry.

  • Networking and discussion opportunities.

  • Ease entry into professional circles.

Submit your application


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Discover the best in documentary, take part in our year-round activities, and make the most of your festival!