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20 October 2019

Call for Projects: Rough Cut Lab 2019

Forum RIDM annonces its call for projects for Rough Cut Lab which will occur on November 19th 2019.  

The call is open from October 1st to 14th 2019.

For the first time, all filmmakers with a project in the advanced editing stage (at least 75 minutes edited) are invited to submit their project for the Rough Cut Lab. The project selected will be presented to a panel of international experts. The work in progress will be screened in its entirety for the film crew, panel and a limited audience of professionals with Forum RIDM accreditation. The discussion will focus on issues in creative editing, festival strategies and marketing at a crucial project phase. The panel will include festival programmers, distributors, exhibitors and experienced editors.


Rough Cut Lab objectives:

  • Benefit from critical feedback on the project

  • Define the film’s identity and positioning with a view to international distribution

  • Develop marketing strategies

  • Build interest in the project among local and international buyers

  • Build close relationships between a local filmmaker and industry experts


Who can participate? 

  • Must be a Canadian permanent resident or Canadian citizen who resides in the province of Quebec

  • Must be present during the Rough Cut Lab on November 19th 2019 in Montreal

  • Must have a feature length documentary still in its editing phase (between 75 and 120 minutes) with a potential for international distribution

  • Desires comments and constructive feedback from a committee of professionals and experts


When to participate? 

  • The Call for Projects is open from October 1st to 14th 2019 

  • If the film is in another language than English, the selected team will have one month to subtitle the film in English

  • The Rough Cut Lab will occur on Tuesday, November 19th from 9:00 to 12:00 in the Fernand-Seguin room at the Cinémathèque québécoise


How to participate?

Please send your project to Ananda Nicolaieff ( by including the following documents:

  • CV

  • Motivational Letter (max. 1 page)

  • Project Description (max. 1 page)

  • Link towards Rough Cut 



  • The project must have a producer

  • The film must be presented by the producer and the filmmaker in person

  • Either the producer or the filmmaker must be based in Québec 

  • The edit must be between 75 and 120 minutes

  • Forum RIDM does not cover transport nor accommodation

  • Forum RIDM offers a Forum RIDM accreditation (without One-on-One access) to both the producer and the filmmaker of the project 


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