Montreal International Documentary Festival

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5 June 2023 Beyond the fest

3 short films on old age, identity and grief

The RIDM are back on La Fabrique culturelle with three short films from the 25th edition that take an artistic and sensitive look at old age, identity and grief.

Yvon / The Eternal by Benoit Massé

In this film, the filmmaker follows a man’s daily life in a retirement home; a daily life filled with his passion for opera and ballet music.

Fuku Nashi by Julie Sando

Fusing reality and fiction, this film explores the filmmaker’s complex search for identity and her struggle as she longs to become more rooted in her Japanese heritage by rebuilding her relationship with her grandmother.

Tio Kevin by Kayla Fragman

In this work, the filmmaker turns a complicit camera on her uncle. By interacting with him during his daily life and discussing his possessions and memories, she explores the complexity of grief and family relationships.

> Watch all films on La Fabrique culturelle's platform


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